Saturday 14 January 2012



Showing the world how UK teenagers are corrupted.

Gary Barlow and Frankie Cocozza (Pic: Rex Features)

Frankie celebrating his victory with Gary (Pic: ITV)

So, on the 7th of November, the news broke out that 18-year-old X-Factor contestant Frankie Cocozza was set to leave the competition due to his admittance of a 6-nights of partying fuelled with alcohol and cocaine.
The 18 year old, who is known for speaking his songs and having various names of girls tattooed on his arm and butt-cheeks, claims that he voluntarily left the house but the pubic and I all know that that wasn’t the truth.
Frankie was asked to leave the house after word of his drugged-fuelled nights got out to the public, being the main reason why he was asked to leave, but since Frankie was entered into X-Factor as a contestant, the public didn’t take a liking to him.

Due to his raggedy look, and his rock-star charm, I don’t blame Gary Barlow for putting Frankie through, because looking at Frankie; he is what girls in this day and age want. He has talent (I think), he is cute and is obviously a wild child that is not afraid to have good time; a typical teenage rebel musical, right? Wrong.

Frankie has openly spoken about his drug-use to newspapers, has admitted to taking other drugs and has also apologised to the public for any inconvenience that he may have caused them.

Frankie had caused uproar in X-Factor the week before he left due to his inappropriate language before the watershed when it was revealed that he was safe from the public vote. Cocozza screamed “F**KING GET IN THERE!” when he heard his name being called, which caused the watching audience to complain; 106 times.

But the issue on a bigger scale, is the idea that Frankie is just doing things that all teenagers do behind closed doors in public, that is why it has been made such a big deal of.
The TV show ‘Skins’ that has won awards for it’s accuracy and it’s hard-hitting story lines does not differ much from my life at university and is what a lot of teenagers expect life to be.
Before the show ‘Skins, my idea of an awesome night out was going to a friends and watching a movie. The idea that to have fun, you must get drunk and take drugs only comes into your head once you hit 18 and you are actually able to go out and do those things without being judged.

The main reason why Frankie has had such a hard time dealing with this is because he is not considered a celebrity by the nation and is supposed to set some sort of an example for younger teenagers. If it just another adolescent teenager doing these things on an everyday basis, it wouldn’t matter because they just aren’t important.
The pressure put on Frankie to succeed was a big one. Not only to do well as a contestant on the show, but to mind his language and to set an example as a representative of teenagers all over the TV.

I tried out for the X-Factor four of years ago when I was 14, and I got through to the producers stage and got turned down, and to be honest, I am possibly the happiest I could be about this. I am happy with the way I am now, and to think that I could have been lead into a stray path of partying, sex, drugs and alcohol because of my 15 minutes of fame, almost brings a tear to my eye.

Frankie has been told to act a certain way and to dress a certain way because this is what the producers of X-Factor want him to be seen as. Once you begin to tell people how to act, they will automatically begin to act that way without any direction and I think that this is not only case with Frankie, but with all teenagers; until they get out of the chokehold of society and begin to realise that they can do what they want.

I have heard and even witnessed several cases where teenagers have rebelled against their parents because of the strong discipline that has been imposed on them, and I honestly feel like Frankie has been one of those unfortunate souls that has been strayed away due to his upbringing.
Teenagers are all now really hungry for fame and fortune, and I must admit, I have even wanted to be a celebrity and do still long for that feeling of being recognised whilst walking down the street, and this gets to their heads.

For example, a couple of years ago, Miley Cyrus, the teenage super-star was filmed on camera hitting a bong filled with Salvina, a hallucinogenic drug. Miley Cyrus has been in the limelight since she was about four years old, and ever since she hit the major jackpot of having her own show, she has been an inspiration to all children, but it once she hit 17, that things began to go downhill. The media made it their main priority to ruin her life. The paparazzi were following her around and causing her to lash out and swear, which made people realise that Miley Cyrus may not be as innocent as you may think.
The fact that she was sponsored by Disney, the world widely known children’s production company made it even worse when Miley started to rebel. Everyone thought that she was the innocent child that she was made to act like on TV, when she truthfully wasn’t. All she wanted to be, was a teenager that could get on with her life, but she wasn’t able to, and still isn’t able to.

I could list a whole bunch of child-stars that have grown up to be rebels and from their innocent and young counterparts, but that would take years.

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