Sunday 15 January 2012

It's 4:18pm

It's 4:18pm and I woke up about 18 minutes ago, not because I'm lazy, but because I went to bed at 9am. I hate sleeping, but I hate it when I can't sleep.

Anyway, today I'm going to write about the how the website Tumblr is absolute shit, to say it lightly.
Before, I have written about Tumblr in a very positive way, by making it sound very good and a happy place to be online "Tumblr, a new hipster teen website, is an amazing way of expressing yourself. From liking posts, to reblogging pictures of ‘LOL Cats’ and ragecomics, it is a very useful and creative way of expressing feelings and emotions, even without words. It allows freedom of speech, and you can guarentee that you will find someone on Tumblr that feels the same way as you about certain topics, and I think that’s a good thing to find now a days.", but things have changed and suddenly, I have grown to hate the website.
Tumblr is not the fun-loving website that it once was, but is now changing to be someone in which only good looking people can get involved with.
It stores pictures of naked girls, and GIFs of sexual activity which I must admit, have rebloggd before, but its content isn't what I talking about, I'm talking about the fact that Tumblr is changing the way in which girls look at themselves. It isn't only bringing back the whole generation of girls that did not like their bodies, it's also making them feel as if they are not good enough for anything.

I have a friend that takes photos and posts them to Tumblr. She tries so hard to get some reflags, but when it doesn't happen, it disheartens her, so she wears less and less clothes with every photo she uploads, and it's not because she isn't attractive, it's just because she isn't as skinny as your average Tumblr chick.

I must admit, I look through Tumblr posts and I think "Wow, I wish I looked like that", but why am I wishing I looked like someone just because they're on the internet with loads of reblogs? That's not how life should be. I actually don't know where I'm going with this, but I will sum up the 5 things that appear on Tumblr the most:

5. Mixed race chicks with afros
4. Chicks with Snapbacks on and Jordans.
3. Porn inspired GIFs.
2. Pictures of heavily tattooed people
1. Weed/people smoking weed/some other drugs.

Anyway, I'll expand on this later. I need to shower.

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