Saturday 8 December 2012


As you guys probably know, I went to Leeds this summer with my boyfriend, I was supposed to go to Reading with some friends, but I decided to go with my boyfriend to Leeds instead, and it was absolutely awesome. I got the chance to see Alt-J live before they absolutely blew up, and I also saw three of my favourite artists ever; Niki and the Dove, Florence and the Machine and Metronomy, but I think you all know how I feel about Niki, Florence and Metronomy, but I don't think you all know about my slight Alt-J obsession.

So by the time Leeds had come, I had already heard of Alt-J and had listened to a lot of their music, so when I heard they were performing at Leeds, I was obviously excited. So I got to the NME stage (the stage they were playing on) and just waited for them to play.

They were... ok.

I mean, the first song they did was Intro, which I loved, but then the famous 'Tessellate' came on and it was so quiet. Like, incredibly quiet. They were playing really quietly and people in the crowd were just standing there. It was a bit strange because they had A LOT of people in the crowd. A LOT OF PEOPLE.

I mean, maybe they were nervous but since then I have seen videos of them performing elsewhere and they have been fine. Maybe it was the fear of performing in front of such a critical crowd? Anyway, I walked away because it was so awkward in the crowd and also because Metronomy were doing a signing and I possibly couldn't have missed that.

Alt-J's album 'An Awesome Wave' was released on the 25th of May this year. It's an awesome listen so definitely check it out on iTunes of Spotify or whatever you want to listen to it on.

Anyway, I am going to leave you with Tessellate to listen to.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Awesome songs!

So recently, whilst at my boyfriend's house party, I heard a song that made my ears tingle with delight.
It was a remix of a song, and it was amazing. So amazing in fact, that I think I may make it my trademark song for when I start blogging properly.

It is called 'Flaws' by Bastille, but it has been remixed by Cinematics and they have changed the name of it to 'My Soul'.

The song is soooooo good, I just like how it sounds so old-skool garage, but with a new sound to it. It is a very good song that has been mixed excellently.
Anyway, enough of my babbling, I'll link the song below so you can listen for yourself.