Sunday 5 February 2012

BUBBLE POST: Fake Fenetta profile on Twitter... WUT?

Someone made a fake Twitter account of Fenetta sometime last week Tuesday or something, and it just made me think, "Really?" Do I have that much of an impact on your life that you would go out of your way and waste your time making a profile of me? Anyway, the profile is called @Fat_Fenetta, and it just does things that I do anyway. It slates me for always being negative and insulting myself on Twitter, but if I do it, what makes you think it will affect me if you do it?
I'm not worried about people being mean to me, it's something I come across everyday, and it really doesn't bother me. I am headstrong, and I have more important things to worry about that some lowlife with a computer making a fake profile of me. I mean, unfollowing me is as easy and following me, it's just the click of a button, so why all the effort into making a fake account?
They are obviously one of my followers, because they seem to know my tweets very well. I think they might be a fan of mine or something, which I think is quite flattering.
I reckon they've got pictures of me all over their room and stuff, right? No? Fine.
Anyway, another thing they have done, is that they have said something about me apparently thinking that I'm an internet celebrity. No.
Don't you think that by you making this fake account of me, has fuelled that idea in my head? I mean, only celebrities have fake Twitter accounts, so the fact that you've used your obviously useless time in making an account, altering my photo and then tweeting as if you were me, shows that you are indeed a loser, that idolises me. Agree or disagree, it's true.

I hope whoever made that profile sees this and notices that they are in fact fuelling my Twitter celebrity status, and that I have gained more followers from it, rather than losing followers like they would have hoped.
I'm going to continue tweeting like I do, because I would never let some bullshit like that put me off doing something I enjoy doing so much. The bullies never win.

Have fun dying :)

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