Saturday 16 June 2012

Update! FILFF Clothing, Daniel, Work...

Ok, so I have been so busy working and everything that i have forgotten to tell you guys some super awesome news and stuff! First of all, I work at Forever21 on Oxford Street, so when you're bored, some and visit me. I will most possibly be there with a bunch of clothes in my hands, wondering aimlessly around, trying to look busy.

Ok, secondly, I have just heard of a song that I think I will love forever. It's called 'Daniel' by Bats for Lashes. I really, don't know why I like it so much, I really don't understand why it makes me feel the way it does, but when I listen to it, I honestly feel like I'm melting and that I'm in another world and I love that feeling.

Thirdly, I have my own clothing line! Well, I'm starting one. I am calling it 'FILFF' because I'm a boss like that. The clothes are very different, not your average kind of tops and shirts, so I will upload a picture, which will probably be below.

Most of the clothing is very vintage/retro looking. I tried to make it as different from everything you have seen, also make it better value for money, because everyone knows that the trendiest people are students and we don't have much money to be buying clothes from really expensive designers, so I have made it quite cheap.
They come in various colours and styles, so if you are looking for one, best thing to do is email me how you want it, and I will make it and ship it out to you ASAP.

I will have the website up in about 2 weeks, so I will have loads more pictures up on there, so yeah, have a look on there when it's up. I will update you and let you know how everything is going. I reckon 2012 is going to be quite a big year for me, and I'm really excited to see what everyone has in store for me.
 Also, I am looking for some models and a photographer for some shoots for the clothing line, so if you know anyone, email me at!

I should really start blogging much more, I actually miss blogging even though i don't get half as many views as I want. Maybe I should blog about stuff you guys actually want to know about? Any albums you want me to review or movies? If so, just pop a comment in the comment box below, and I will definitely review it.

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