Thursday 21 June 2012

And the song of the day is...

The song of the day is the Holy Ghost remix of 'On Board' by Friendly Fires. It's amaze. I like it so much better than the original, and i hate it when that happens, but it happened and I love this song so much more now. They play it at work all the time and it's the only song that can make a bit happy. (I hate working), but yeah, listen to it and feel super happy.


I was supposed to put this on here like a month and a half ago, but better late than never. Ok, so you're all familiar with the stupid Cary Rae Jepsen song, 'Call Me Maybe', right? Well, awesome Ben Howard covered her song and fucking tore Carly Rae Jepsen a new asshole. Her version is so shit compared to his. Ok, so I have also found that whoever sings this song, the lyrics will still be terrible, btu his arrangement is amazing and I almost died or happiness listening to it the first time.

Listen to it and tell me what you think?

Tuesday 19 June 2012

What the FUCK is happening in this world?

So I was just doing my daily growing of internet websites, my usual sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, WSHH (WorldStarHipHop), and on WSHH, I came across a fight compilation. Now, I am the not the kind of person that gets erections over fights, but I thought I should just watch this video because it had been going around on Twitter and stuff.

So I watched the fight, and I was appalled. (I have embedded the video below or above so you can watch it if you want, it is 8 minutes long, and it's shit, so yeah, don't waste your time watching the whole thing, skip through it to understand what I am talking about.) Not appalled by the lack of experience that these so-called 'fighters' had, but by the reasons they were fighting and their ages. They were about 13 year old girls, fighting because someone has slept with someone's man. Stupid grown woman stuff that 13 year old girls are fighting about. I think it's so stupid that girls that age have nothing to worry about, but yet choose to get themselves involved in crap like "I slept with your man, and he loves my pussy". Wait, WHAT?

You are 13! You should be sleeping with your stuffed Winnie the Pooh doll, not someone's man, and that shouldn't even be on your list of priorities at the age of 13. Now I'm not going to tell you what I was doing at 13, because stuff like this was happening in my school too. I remember when my best friend at the time, got beaten up on the bus, and it traumatised me and what was the reason? She had been simply talking to someone's "man".

At 13, these are merely men. These are BOYS. They have only just entered the league of teenage years, but yet girls are chasing them and are getting themselves into fights over these stupid boys. The problem nowadays is that young girls are too naive. They think that if a boy says he loves you, that "OMG HE WANTZ 2 MARRY ME, HE LVS ME, HEZ GNNA B MA HUBZ". No.
I'm sorry, but that's not how life works.
I m not going to sit here and tell you about how I was one of those stupid naive girls, because truthfully, I wasn't. I went to school, kept myself to myself and NEVER once did I have an argument over some stupid dumb boy. I knew what I wanted and who I wanted to end up with and I wasn't able to see myself being with any of the boys in my school at 13, because I didn't want to waste my time being in a relationship in school only because I want to impress people.

Come on guys, you don't think you've been sussed?
The main reason why you want to be in a relationship with someone in school, is so people talk about you.
"OMDZ, U KNW SHANIQUA IZ GOIN OUT WIF TREYQUANO?". You want people to know that you may be having sex with your boyfriend and that you having a boyfriend means you're better than most of the people that don't have boyfriend. We have you sussed.

I really don't see how at 13, you could be in a committed relationship and say "Yes, this is who I want to spend the rest of my life with". You hadn't even learnt algebra fully at 13, and you want to calculate the meaning of love already? Leave it, yeah?

This is by far the ghettoise post you will ever see my type, but this fight just got my blood boiling. There is a point in the video where this stupid girl pulls out a knife to go and stab someone, when we all know she won't do it because she is well and truly scared of her mum. It is obvious that her mum's voice is in the back of her head saying "If you touch that girl, I will send you in a cargo box to Nigeria", because if she was as tough as she made herself out to be, she would have stabbed the other girl without hesitation.

It's just gutting to see that kids this young are willing to risk their lives and the lives of others over a 2 month romance.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Kavinsky, Father's Day, Topshop...

Hello guys!

So, I have been busy doing absolutely nothing today. Found out that I got a first in 3 modules at uni, so I think that calls for celebration. I should totally go out and get drunk, but I don't have the time for that. I need to do more sleeping before my week ahead of me working in retail. -_-

Anyway, I have friends that do internships at Topshop, and are giving me some free Freedom jewellery, so I am super excited for that. I don't know when I will be getting these pieces, but I hope it is soon so I can blog about it and show you all and make you jealous.

Anyway, I have got a song of the day! *YAY ME!*

A lot of you may be familiar with this song if you have watched the movie 'Drive', it is the first song from the movie, and it made me love the movie straight away. It's by a group called 'Kavinsky', and they have some really awesome songs, but this song has gained them a lot of recognition. It is belowwww:

I have been slacking a bit on the daily posts, but I am definitely getting back into the stride of posting daily, as you can see. Two days in a row! YAY!

Today is father's day, and I am lucky enough to still have my father in my life. Although I am always talking about how much I hate him, I really don't hate him. At least he is still around and I am very grateful for that. Thanks Dad for always being there for me. He's like my bank and I appreciate that.
This isn't going to be a soppy post, because I don't do soppy!

Anyway, moving on, tomorrow, I am going shopping so I am going to do a haul video and upload it onto Youtube and here so you can see what I've bought with my very valuable money, so yeah, keep yourself updated!

Saturday 16 June 2012

Update! FILFF Clothing, Daniel, Work...

Ok, so I have been so busy working and everything that i have forgotten to tell you guys some super awesome news and stuff! First of all, I work at Forever21 on Oxford Street, so when you're bored, some and visit me. I will most possibly be there with a bunch of clothes in my hands, wondering aimlessly around, trying to look busy.

Ok, secondly, I have just heard of a song that I think I will love forever. It's called 'Daniel' by Bats for Lashes. I really, don't know why I like it so much, I really don't understand why it makes me feel the way it does, but when I listen to it, I honestly feel like I'm melting and that I'm in another world and I love that feeling.

Thirdly, I have my own clothing line! Well, I'm starting one. I am calling it 'FILFF' because I'm a boss like that. The clothes are very different, not your average kind of tops and shirts, so I will upload a picture, which will probably be below.

Most of the clothing is very vintage/retro looking. I tried to make it as different from everything you have seen, also make it better value for money, because everyone knows that the trendiest people are students and we don't have much money to be buying clothes from really expensive designers, so I have made it quite cheap.
They come in various colours and styles, so if you are looking for one, best thing to do is email me how you want it, and I will make it and ship it out to you ASAP.

I will have the website up in about 2 weeks, so I will have loads more pictures up on there, so yeah, have a look on there when it's up. I will update you and let you know how everything is going. I reckon 2012 is going to be quite a big year for me, and I'm really excited to see what everyone has in store for me.
 Also, I am looking for some models and a photographer for some shoots for the clothing line, so if you know anyone, email me at!

I should really start blogging much more, I actually miss blogging even though i don't get half as many views as I want. Maybe I should blog about stuff you guys actually want to know about? Any albums you want me to review or movies? If so, just pop a comment in the comment box below, and I will definitely review it.

Monday 11 June 2012


So hey guys! It's been a while, I've been busy, it has been my birthday so I am a year older, and also, I have a job now. I used to love this job, because it's the same job I had last year, but now, I fucking hate it and want to die every time I'm in the building. I can't wait for payday. I want monies to spend on clothes and ponies and unicorns and music festivals.
So yeah, this is the update. I have decided that I want to start making clothes and I have. I get clothes, dye them and stud the fuck out of them. It's pretty rad. I have a few items that I will post on here, and I am going to start selling them on ASOS marketplace like a freakin' fashion genius.

Don't hate.