Monday, 30 January 2012
Another short as fuck movie review: 'The Artist'
Short as fuck movie review: 'A Monster In Paris'
Monday, 16 January 2012
The benefit of being on your period.
Sunday, 15 January 2012
The convergence of Kanye West.

ALBUM REVIEW: Metronomy 'The British Riviera
Ok, so I have been a fan of Metronomy's for a while, and I was waiting for their album 'The British Riviera' to come out. When it finally came out last year, I got so excited that I bought it on iTunes. Usually, I can wait and go to HMV and get a physical copy of it, but I couldn't wait this time and decided to download it via iTunes.
Metronomy are not that known of a band, but they have had their songs featured in stupid TV shows like 'Made In Chelsea', which I think has attracted the wrong kind of attention to the group. I mean, if you watch and LIKE Made in Chelsea, you have no taste... in anything.
Anyway, listening to the album made me feel like I wasn't in cold gloomy London, I felt like I was on the coast of Cornwall or Devon. The album has a certain feel to it that I guess is supposed to attract you to the area of Devon where the group are from. I'm going to start with 'The Bay', the song that attracted me to the album.
This song has a very light and bouncy feel to is, that when you're listening to it, you feel almost as if you're driving around in Devon in a convertible; just like the video:
The music video for the song, is pretty much exactly how I feel when I listen to the song, and to think that the video was actually shot in Devon? I was very impressed that the group could give it such a lovely look and feel, that would automatically make one wish to be there with them.
Now everyone that has been to Devon knows that the groups depiction of the area is well, not accurate. It's not always sunny, and it doesn't half look as glorious as it looks in the video, but you can begin to look past that once you hear the song over the video. It's glorifying and actually, for the 4 minutes that I was watching the video, I wanted to be in Devon.
With it's rippling base riff from bass guitarist Gbenga, the song just has you in the mood for some sunshine and makes you feel as if you are in another place, rather than in a cold place like London, or wherever you may be, and I think that is one thing about music, it should make you want to wish you were somewhere else, or you should feel as if you're somewhere else because you've spaced out so much.
That's the beauty of that song.
Ok, now moving on, I'm going to review the rest of their album, but in order, so from their intro song 'The English Riviera'.
The English Riviera puts you in Devon, the heart of the group. It post you by the sea and has the sound of seagulls, kids playing, water rushing to the shore and an accordion, the main focus in this 37 second song. If you close your eyes, you can almost imagine the coast and everything you hear being right in front of you, which I feel is pretty awesome.
That song merges perfectly into 'We Broke Free', track number 2 on the album, where we get the lead vocalist of the group, Joseph Mount, who is also referred to as just Mount, singing us though the song. This song has a psychedelic sound to it, because at points in the song, it sounds as if it is warping, but it sounds absolutely amazing. With Mount's calming and soothing voice, placed on an awesome backing track that you can tell has taken time to produce, just sets you on fire in a metaphorical way. Towards the ending of the song, a rush of "out of this world" sounds come and sweep you off your feet, almost as if the sounds of the water in 'The British Riviera' have lifted you up and you're in a wave of music, then at the end, it just drops you, kind of nowhere.
That's how that song made me feel.
Now the next song, has a weird twist to it, it has a female singing the lead vocals and Mount would just come and have one verse randomly in the song. It is as if the lead woman is singing to Mount, and he is singing back, like Cher and that other guy. This song is called 'Everything Goes My Way'. Now, this song has a more bouncy feeling. It gives the feeling of when you're at a beach with your friends and you've got your arms linked, and you're telling them about this guy that you hooked up with.
The lead vocalist in this song, has a very calm singing voice, almost like the female version of Mount's vocals. Towards the chorus, we hear backing vocals which sound pretty identical to the voice in which is singing the lead. I have imagined this as the two friends on either arm of the lead singer, having fun and laughing about the lead's problems with love. It's an awesome song, possibly one of my favourites because I can just imagine the video in my head.
Now, 'The Look'. This has to be one of my favourite songs of all time. It's such an amazing song. With the accordion in the background, it once again places you in the heart of Devon, by the sea-side, or by a ride where you have the musically rides, and just makes you feel good. It has a very old 'The Smiths' sounds to it, which is something I like a lot. The video has seagulls in it, which once again reminds of a place with loads of water, but recently I have began to see Seagulls in Peckham, which is quite worrying;
It's 4:18pm
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Song of the day: White nights
More clarity… I have no agency representing me currently… William Morris was fired after Cara Lewis quit. I love Cara Lewis. I love being back at my fashion office learning and creating. It’s so challenging and fun and I’m surrounded by amazing people. They say you only live once, but every time I come to work, I feel like I’m starting a second life. You guys might think I have some type of backing for my line, but I don’t. I did the first fashion show out of my own pocket and used the money I made touring to follow my passion. I’ve been working at this for 8 years now,,, from the first offers to do urban clothing lines that I turned down, to begging Bape to do my line and never making any real headway…
To having an office in LA that was shut down after the “MTV” moment along with my tour with GAGA, I moved to Japan one month after that and designed every night in my room… I had this opportunity to intern at Fendi and was also offered a position at Versace which I could not take due to my contract with LV which was for 2 years.
I moved to Rome after I left japan and worked at Fendi for 4 months undercover. I was there to give ideas for the men’s collection. I snuck to Giuseppe Zanotti’s factory still under contract and learned to design women’s does for 2 years before my first show in Paris. After doing the first LV collection, I was sure i would get a second shot to create but was never given the opportunity. I designed a sneaker called “Yeezy” with Nike. I’m ‘allowed’ to design one pair of sneakers every 2 years. I have more ideas. eARLY 2011, I moved to Paris and opened a small design studio the language barrier was quite difficult, I still don’t have a Paris VAT number to this day… I don’t know what a VAT is, but every time I asked why we didn’t have fabrics, they said it was because of the VAT.
In Paris, I met many great people in design, including the master Azzedine Alala… zzedine even came to my studio one day .
This was the greatest feeling to stand in this presence in my embarrassingly small Paris studio in a courtyard opposite Collate. I remember being 5 years old and my mother taking me with her chopping at the discount fur spots. She said I would always point to the most expensive furs even as a child LOL It’s something about making clothing that always brings me back to that point. For the first 16 or 17 years of my life, the only thing I knew about my woman’s clothing was what my mum would wear. I guess some critics would joke that I still don’t know anything LOL My mom would wear blue jeans with a fur and an embellished “Cosby Show” sweater to pick my up from school. The teachers said I couldn’t focus… I used to get kicked out of class for bringing dirty mags and drawing Nikeys in 4th grade.
Being a celebrity has afforded me many opportunities, but has also boxed me in creatively. I was just discussing becoming the creative director for the Jetson movie and someone on the call yelled out “You should do a Jetsons tour!” This just happened a few hours ago. I was very insulted of course, because for anyone that’s seen the Watch The Throne tour, or Coachella, or Glow in the Dark or Runaway, you know I have real ideas…
I appreciate having the most nominations at the Grammy’s, but I feel so conflicted by the fact that award shows sometimes are completely illogical.
Good logic tells me “Smile, Kanye… The world likes you again. Red of blue pill? aaaand swallow” lol I wouldn’t have the prestige I have if it wasn’t partially for the Grammy’s validation and I honour that.
Hmmmm… what to wear… here I do again, Yeezy the trend-setter or complete fucking fashion victim…. the verdict is still out. Tis is just a train of thought… but I figure it’s better to read than trained thoughts.
What good is fame and prestige if you can’t use it to help people… I want to help by doing what I know I do best… create. I have started a new company and I’m so excited about the name… It’s got the best name ever of all companies of all time!!!
The name of the company is DONDA.
Donda is a design company which will galvanise amazing thinkers and put them in a creative space to bounce their dreams and ideas. Dr Dre redesigned headphones and made more impact off of one product. I am assembling a team of architects, graphic designers, directors, musicians, producers, AnRs. writers, publicists, social media app guys, managers, car designers, clothing designers, DJs, video game designers, publishers, tech guys, lawyers, bankers, nutritionists, doctors, scientists, teachers…
DONDA will be comprised of over 22 divisions with a goal to make products and experiences that people want and can afford… I want to put creatives in a room together with like minds that are all waaaaay doper than me.
We want to help simplify and aesthetically improve everything we see, hear, touch, taste and feel. To dream of, create, advertise and products driven equally by emotional want and utilitarian need. To marry our wants and needs.
This will all take time but I wanted everyone to know what I really care about… I care about people. I care about my fans.
I care about people who have never heard of me… There are over 7 billion people on the planet now… It’s something about coming fro music that makes me so optimistic, music travels and is not limited to only the wealthy.
Sometimes, my grammar is wrong, but my thinking is right.
My mom was an english teacher, so I know she sends as SMDH from heaven. 5.18am in London… My dreams keep me awake.
The Watch the Throne tour was a small example of what a DONDA experience can be. I am currently working on a new 7 screen experience.
I wanted to put this in the world in hopes that the people who can actually make a difference will stand up and reach out.We need as many amazing powerful smart talented wealthy people to be involved… Come get on board… don’t just sit there… reach out. We can collectively effect the world trough design. We need to pick up where steve jobs left off. When I said wealthy I wanted to point out there are so many billionaires in the world that can come together and help to redesign it help education.
Help education. School systems were designed to turn people into factory workers.
We need to take what Michael Jackson felt and Mcqueen and Steve Jobs and we need make things better… When me and Jay toured… ever night I peered into the audience astonished by the different walks of life that came to support us.The adrenaline is running… I don’t know if I can even get to sleep now… From Wall street to the London riots to Chicago murders…
I sit everyday and ask what can I do to make a difference…
I know this is not a very rapper thing to say but I haven’t bought a new car or piece of jewelry in about 2 years… I invest every dime back into creativity… hiring amazing creatives paying for flights, offices … etc…
My area of expertise is in music, my passion is in music design film and products… my strength is connectivity…There are so many broken systems from the economy to school systems jail systems… we need experts for this, we need scientist and top world designers to directly affect governments. I just wanted to share what’s been on my mind…
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple, but if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” – George Bernard Shaw
I’m so excited to see this all unfold.
Showing the world how UK teenagers are corrupted.
Frankie celebrating his victory with Gary (Pic: ITV)
So, on the 7th of November, the news broke out that 18-year-old X-Factor contestant Frankie Cocozza was set to leave the competition due to his admittance of a 6-nights of partying fuelled with alcohol and cocaine.
The 18 year old, who is known for speaking his songs and having various names of girls tattooed on his arm and butt-cheeks, claims that he voluntarily left the house but the pubic and I all know that that wasn’t the truth.
Frankie was asked to leave the house after word of his drugged-fuelled nights got out to the public, being the main reason why he was asked to leave, but since Frankie was entered into X-Factor as a contestant, the public didn’t take a liking to him.
Due to his raggedy look, and his rock-star charm, I don’t blame Gary Barlow for putting Frankie through, because looking at Frankie; he is what girls in this day and age want. He has talent (I think), he is cute and is obviously a wild child that is not afraid to have good time; a typical teenage rebel musical, right? Wrong.
Frankie has openly spoken about his drug-use to newspapers, has admitted to taking other drugs and has also apologised to the public for any inconvenience that he may have caused them.
Frankie had caused uproar in X-Factor the week before he left due to his inappropriate language before the watershed when it was revealed that he was safe from the public vote. Cocozza screamed “F**KING GET IN THERE!” when he heard his name being called, which caused the watching audience to complain; 106 times.
But the issue on a bigger scale, is the idea that Frankie is just doing things that all teenagers do behind closed doors in public, that is why it has been made such a big deal of.
The TV show ‘Skins’ that has won awards for it’s accuracy and it’s hard-hitting story lines does not differ much from my life at university and is what a lot of teenagers expect life to be.
Before the show ‘Skins, my idea of an awesome night out was going to a friends and watching a movie. The idea that to have fun, you must get drunk and take drugs only comes into your head once you hit 18 and you are actually able to go out and do those things without being judged.
The main reason why Frankie has had such a hard time dealing with this is because he is not considered a celebrity by the nation and is supposed to set some sort of an example for younger teenagers. If it just another adolescent teenager doing these things on an everyday basis, it wouldn’t matter because they just aren’t important.
The pressure put on Frankie to succeed was a big one. Not only to do well as a contestant on the show, but to mind his language and to set an example as a representative of teenagers all over the TV.
I tried out for the X-Factor four of years ago when I was 14, and I got through to the producers stage and got turned down, and to be honest, I am possibly the happiest I could be about this. I am happy with the way I am now, and to think that I could have been lead into a stray path of partying, sex, drugs and alcohol because of my 15 minutes of fame, almost brings a tear to my eye.
Frankie has been told to act a certain way and to dress a certain way because this is what the producers of X-Factor want him to be seen as. Once you begin to tell people how to act, they will automatically begin to act that way without any direction and I think that this is not only case with Frankie, but with all teenagers; until they get out of the chokehold of society and begin to realise that they can do what they want.
I have heard and even witnessed several cases where teenagers have rebelled against their parents because of the strong discipline that has been imposed on them, and I honestly feel like Frankie has been one of those unfortunate souls that has been strayed away due to his upbringing.
Teenagers are all now really hungry for fame and fortune, and I must admit, I have even wanted to be a celebrity and do still long for that feeling of being recognised whilst walking down the street, and this gets to their heads.
For example, a couple of years ago, Miley Cyrus, the teenage super-star was filmed on camera hitting a bong filled with Salvina, a hallucinogenic drug. Miley Cyrus has been in the limelight since she was about four years old, and ever since she hit the major jackpot of having her own show, she has been an inspiration to all children, but it once she hit 17, that things began to go downhill. The media made it their main priority to ruin her life. The paparazzi were following her around and causing her to lash out and swear, which made people realise that Miley Cyrus may not be as innocent as you may think.
The fact that she was sponsored by Disney, the world widely known children’s production company made it even worse when Miley started to rebel. Everyone thought that she was the innocent child that she was made to act like on TV, when she truthfully wasn’t. All she wanted to be, was a teenager that could get on with her life, but she wasn’t able to, and still isn’t able to.
I could list a whole bunch of child-stars that have grown up to be rebels and from their innocent and young counterparts, but that would take years.
Film: ‘Lie With Me’
Year: 2006
Director: Clément Virgo
I was up at 4 am trying to think of a film to watch, when my friend from Canada tweeted about a film called ‘Lie With Me’. Her tweet was a very strange tweet that made me want to watch the movie right away due to one main word she used in it; porn.
I looked it up and decided to watch it on iTunes, and the movie was not quite what I expected.
It didn’t have an elaborate storyline, neither did it have outstanding dialogue or amazing chapters, but what it did have was sex. Loads of it.
The first sex scene is 5 minutes into the movie, with the lead character Leila (Lauren Lee Smith), having a sexual encounter with a guy that she had picked up from a club; outside a club. Literally outside the club, around the back in the darkness. The scene happens to soon to the beginning of the movie that it left me wondering just how many sex scenes I was going to see in this movie, so I decided to get a pen and paper and start to tally them up. Not only how many times she has sex, but how many times she speaks of it, and how many people she has it with.
In this scene where she is so proudly having sex outside a club, there is another couple having sex opposite her in a car. Two couples having sex at the same time in the same scene. Yes ladies and gentlemen, it might as well have been a swingers party porno.
It shows a different perspective of life and how people, especially women in this case, view it. In the olden days, sex was thought to be a sacred gift that you give to the love of your life, but in this movie, sex is, well, sex. Leila doesn’t feel emotionally attached to the people she sleeps with, she just sees it as fun. Some could argue that she has a male’s frame of mind and David, played by Eric Balfour, has a woman’s as he seems emotionally unstable and makes Leila promise to never leave him, whilst he is performing anal sex with her. She has a “you only live once” mentality and feels as if sex, is something that is fun and it should have no sentimental value to anyone.
There is a scene where she is talking to her best friend at a bridal store, as her best friend is getting married in the next week. She is trying on a dress when the best friend tells Leila that she had sex with her ex boyfriend the night before. They make jokes about it and laugh it off, but then Leila asks her a question in which I feel should have been addressed more in the movie “Why would you give up great sex, to get married?”
The movie is based on novella by Tamara Faith Berger, and pushes the boundaries of sex, and almost puts it into a new category of art. The genitalia is not blurred or even hidden, everything is out there and made to be seen by the audience giving it a more shocking appeal. The sex scenes with Leila and David are not rushed or made to look shabby, like the ones with Leila and the guy she meets at the club, these sex scenes are more than just sex, they are explosions of pleasure shown in art form, directed, cut and edited to look real and to feel real to the audience. The second sex scene between Leila and David, is more like a painting bought to life, than any sex scene. The music in the scene, the lighting, the camera angles, everything is perfect and compliments the act of sex so much, that it is not even seen as promiscuous, it is more seen as love. It is a spectacular form of art in more than one way.
Lie with me is a rated 18 movie, about a girl whose desire for sex, lands her in some rough patches, until she meets a guy who is also living the promiscuous lifestyle. They get together, but personal family matters tear them apart, and eventually draw them back together.
The character of Leila is a very bland one. When she is not speaking on the voice-over in her very monotone voice, her face does not give away a lot of her emotions which makes it hard to connect with her, or to feel how she is feeling. She is a very difficult person to feel sorry for.